Practitioners Directory
SCTA has established a Directory open to all Theatre Practitioners in SC to post their resume, headshot, area of expertise, video audition and/or electronic portfolio. When joining SCTA or renewing membership, you can opt to answer a few questions so that your information is posted in the directory. You do not need to be a member of SCTA to post your information, but members will have priority in the list of practitioners. SCTA has created this directory to make a connection with those who have skills, talents, and a desire to create with companies and organizations that need a wide range of individuals to round out their production teams- whether on stage or behind the scenes.
While the directory is open to anyone who would like to be featured, you must be a member of SCTA (either an individual or an organizational member who has logged in) to have access to the full database with all information visible. Non-members will only be able to see a list of available talents.
Click here to go to the Directory. Further instructions on how to create your profile is on the page.
Connect. Create. Cultivate.
SCTA is proud to provide a resource so that artists, performers, designers, directors, technicians can find each other to create theatre and cultivate community.